Backdrop Wall or Ceiling Support

Backdrop Wall or Ceiling Support

Vendor’s Description: Three Roller Wall Mounting Manual Background Support System

May is “Home Studio” month at Shawn ‘s Reviews, and all month long we’ll be reviewing items large and small which you may come to find quite useful if you are putting together your own recording space.

Review: If you’re looking for a permanent backkdrop support system, I highly recommend this affordable model from Cowboy Studio.

While most of thee pictures you’ll see of this system show it wall mounted, in my case I actually ceiling mounted it.

The kit comes with two heavy duty metal brackets, which support up to three backdrops between them.

To actually support the backdrops, you’ll need to pickup the appropriate lengths of PVC pipe from you local hardware store.

Once you have the pipes, assemble is quite easy and the end result, with the counter weights and pulleys, works very well.

Reviewed by Shawn M Tierney

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