Brick Wall Backdrop
Vendor’s Description: Vinyl Brick Backdrop, no pocket, high resolution, strong articulation; waterproof, glare free and roll out flat.
May is “Home Studio” month at Shawn ‘s Reviews, and all month long we’ll be reviewing items large and small which you may come to find quite useful if you are putting together your own recording space.
Review: I’ve been using this inexpensive brick backdrop for a couple of years now and have to say it’s a good value.
At first I thought the bricks were too big, but after making over fifty videos (many on YouTube here) I really think they look just fine.
And while the size I ordered does have a seem in the middle where the two pieces are joined, I’ve never been able to actually see it from the front of the backdrop.
So if you’re looking for a brick backdrop for your studio, I can definitely recommend this one which I use on a daily basis.
Reviewed by Shawn M Tierney
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